środa, 20 marca 2013

Animal cookies and digital correction of photographs

My personal goal for these cookies was to try wet-on-wet technique. I had fun. Lots of fun, I love wet-on-wet!


Almost all of my cookies were not good for photographig and posting. The brown icing had air bubbles. And every cookie with brown icing has holes.

I was thinking about developing my photography in a different way, but then it occured to me: I can make these cookies work. I can take normal pictures, but correct them digitally. And so I did, on the way discovering how to do that in a simple way. Of course, the cookies still have holes and of course, they are still delicious. But if this happens to me again (and my homework is to find out how not to let it happen), I know at least how to deal with photos. No photoshop required.

First of all, I always correct the colours. My photos are always greyish and pale.

This is an example of how I enhance colours, a photo you have already seen, the geographical heart and how I make it happen. I use IrfanView, one of the smallest yet very powerful image programs:

I re-did this photo for this post, so it may look a bit different than the one in last month's post. Irfan is great for cropping, size changes, colour correction (or special colour effects). It can do drawing, but I never tried that and the toolbar doesn't look encouraging.

Let's move on to my poor brown icing. I made all kinds of animals, but will shouw you only snakes, butterflies and birds. I am not satisfied with others.

Here is an example of my snakes-with-holes:

You see how I made that pretty zig-zag pattern? I just drew orange lines perpendicular to the snake's body and carefully pulled a toothpick through all of them. All of my snakes have holes... The one on the right has one hole close to its head, the one on the left has two holes, one close to its head and one in posterior part of its body.

I opened the photo (with colours corrected, but I shouldn't have resized it, would be easier using a larger version) in... PAINT. Yes. Paint. It has the perfect tools to help this photo AND everybody has it. So let's see a close-up of poor left snake:

Now I pick a colour for a spot close to the hole and the "crayon" paintbrush. Crayon is perfect, because it paints with rough edges, like this:

so when I paint over the black hole, I will not get a huge blob of one colour. First stroke:

Second stroke:

If you didn't know, you would not see it!

Let's move to the tail, a bit more difficult:

Here also the toothpick line is in a hole. I first had to repair the brown part of the hole:

Now it looks unnatural, because the orange line is missing. So let's draw a new line, the same way:

And here we have, a better version of snakes:

You know what? This is already ridiculously long, so no more animals for you today. Maybe tomorrow I'll post the birds or the butterflies.

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